Denmark (Short) Film Country

Denmark has a vibrant film culture, and Danish short films have been a fixture at Kortfilmfestival Leuven from the very beginning. High time to dedicate a special to Danish short films, with four different programmes: one with Danish classics, one of the country's oldest short film festival Odense and two with films of two inspiring Danish directors. Velkommen til dansk film!

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Best OFF Odense

Enjoy four short films hand-picked by OFF – Odense International Film Festival. A selection filled to the brim with love and longing, hope and dreams; and sincere reflections on the fragility of the human mind. All films have previously won the Danish competition at OFF, Denmark's oldest film festival.


Many thanks to
Birgitte Weinberger, OFF – Odense International Film Festival

Danish Classic Shorts

Danish cinema has been doing great for several decades. From the first Oscar for Best Foreign Film for Babette's Feast in 1988 to the most recent one for Thomas Vinterberg's Drunk last year.  Not surprisingly, their short films - which are, after all, a measure of a country's filmmaking achievements - have been a treasure trove of cinematic classics for years. A delicate mix of short films: moving, confrontational, dark or satirical.


Many thanks to
Birgitte Weinberger, OFF – Odense International Film Festival

Artist in Focus: Kristian Håskjold

Every year since 2018, Kristian Håskjold has presented a gem at Kortfilmfestival Leuven, where he also received the Jury Award for Best European Short Film for A Worthy Man and the subsequent nomination for the European Film Awards. His short films have won several awards internationally, and his miniseries Chemo Brain premiered at the renowned Sundance Film Festival. The strength of his films lies in an often deeply moving but unsentimental and unflinchingly honest portrayal of people at a crossroad in their lives. Each film is introduced by a pre-recorded interview with the director, who is currently working on his first feature film.


Artist in Focus: Martin Strange-Hansen

Martin Strange-Hansen immediately made a positive impression with his graduation film in 2001, winning not only the Best Short Film Award at Odense Filmfest, but also the Student Oscar. Two more Oscar nominations followed: in 2003 for This Charming Man, which brought home the prestigious statuette, and this year for On My Mind. Discover the award-winning short films of this Danish director, who is also presenting a master class at the festival. 
