VAF Wildcards

The Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF) is the beating heart of the Flemish film industry and actively supports young, emerging film talent. To this end, the VAF annually awards VAF Wildcards to the most promising final works by bachelor and master students from the Flemish film schools. The highly desirable VAF Wildcards are awarded by a jury per category and - in line with tradition - presented and screened at Kortfilmfestival Leuven.

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VAF Wildcard Winners

Who oh who will be the lucky winners of this year's VAF Wildcards with their short film? The winners of Flanders' most desired film awards will be announced on Sunday 4 December at Kortfilmfestival Leuven. You can come and discover the winning films yourself at the screenings of the VAF Wildcard Winners.


VAF Wildcard Award Ceremony

That a VAF Wildcard can mean a solid push in the right direction is proven by the long list of former winners who ended up building successful careers in the film world. But they also bring a lot of good things in the short term: after all, the prizes are used to make a new short film. At the award ceremony, a new addition will be shown: Gun, the short film Charlotte Lybaert made with the VAF Wildcard she won in 2019.
