Film & Music

Film and music go hand in hand, ever since the days of silent film. We dedicated two events to highlight their intertwined nature. A film concert featuring films from last year's Flemish competition, accompanied by the musicians of LUCA School of Arts' Music Therapy Department. And the programme En cour(t)s de route: Korte Klinkers demonstrating sensory audio in short film, with catchy or dreamy tunes and live accompaniment to the last short film.

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Film Concert: Music Therapy

Musicians from LUCA School of Arts' Music Therapy Department accompany live a custom-made compilation of three special short films that were in last year's Flemish Competition. All visually strong films, which are made even more powerful by the live music performance.


En cour(t)s de route: Korte klinkers

Hors de portée / Korte Klinkers is the second programme in the En cour(t)s de route series and brings together six films that, in a split second, transport you to a world where all your senses are on edge. Tunes that make you dream away or uplifting beats that make you dance. Exclusively for Kortfilmfestival Leuven, the programme ends with a film accompanied by live music!
