Bardak Film Fest Presents

In 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine and the world witnessed unprecedented violence and destruction on the European continent. For many Ukrainians however, the war already started in 2014, with the annexation of Crimea and Russian separatist war in Donbas. “Bardak” is an annual Ukrainian short film festival in Kharkiv, the largest city in Eastern Ukraine. Bardak is the only platform in Ukraine for screening independent Ukrainian short films in the country. This selection of short films made by Ukrainian directors were screened at Bardak and show just how distorting the effects of Russian annexation and invasion have been for the Ukrainian society. Kharkiv, the city where the Bardak festival takes place, has been under constant heavy attack since 24 February 2022. Despite these challenges, the festival’s founder Anton Frolov made a selection of what Ukrainian short film cinema has to offer. Bardak presents: Ukraine.

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Bardak Film Fest Presents

The city of Kharkiv, home to the Bardak Short Film Festival and one of Ukraine's most important universities, was bombed at the start of the invasion in February. Prof Lien Verpoest (KU Leuven) has since hosted her Ukrainian colleague Prof Pshenychnykh and will provide an introduction to the programme.


Many thanks to
Prof Lien Verpoest, Prof Anastasiya Pshenychnykh, Bardak Film Fest