Professional Activities

Kortfilmfestival Leuven does not only show short films, the festival is also synonymous with a wide range of activities for filmmakers and other professionals. You can get to know the makers during the Q&As, but there are also workshops and networking opportunities for scriptwriters, film critics and other professionals.

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Festival Brunch

A film festival is the perfect meeting place for filmmakers and their audience. On the last day, the festival organises a delicious brunch where directors, audience members and the festival team can meet in a tasty setting.


Pitch Your Script

10 people are selected based on their short film script. They first receive a pitching workshop and can then put their acquired knowledge into practice. They pitch their idea in front of a professional jury. The pitch session is publicly accessible (for free). After the public pitch, those selected will go on a speed date with ten producers.


Masterclass: Wouter Bongaerts

During Wouter Bongaerts' master class, he answers some existential questions that quite a few animators face. The animator, director and motion designer discusses his personal experiences, his varied career and how to become a professional animator. He himself describes it as Animation, life after your studies.


Meet the Industry

The Industry Day is cut out for graduating film and drama students. Partner organisations such as Sabam, Playright+, the Union of Directors and the Screenwriters Guild will be represented at an info fair. There will also be a panel discussion on intimacy on the film set. One director, two intimacy coordinators and an actress will be present for the discussion.  At the end, there's a reception.


SBC Rookies

The SBC Rookies represent an emerging generation of young cinematographers who are already professionally active in the Belgian film industry and are part of a new group within SBC. In the future, they can grow into full members of the Belgian Society of Cinematographers. Rookies Dries Vanderaerden, Angela Otten and Charlie Speeckaert will show their work and talk about it.
