Virtual Reality: Floating with Spirits

Juanita Onzaga is anything but unknown for Kortfilmfestival Leuven. In 2016, she received the VAF Wildcard for her graduation film The Jungle Knows You Better Than You Do before winning the jury prize for best short documentary in 2018 with Our Song to War, which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival. 

During this edition, Juanita Onzaga proves that the sky really is the limit, with Floating With Spirits. VR films can completely immerse you in another world: that of the past, the future or the present. This is once again evident in the VR installation Floating With Spirits. You are taken to southern Mexico, where the Mazatec community is celebrating the Day of the Dead. In the 360° around you, you encounter nature spirits and ancestors. You ascend, but the landing is soft.

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VR: Floating with Spirits
