Artist in Focus: Tim Mielants

Some years ago, Tim Mielants was part of the festival with short films like The Sunflyers and Duffel. In the meantime, he directed a season of the world-famous Peaky Blinders, released his first full-length feature De Patrick, and his second film, Wil, received one rave review after another.

As artist in focus, he will present a master talk and the festival will show a compilation program of his short films. 

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Master Talk: Tim Mielants

During the master talk, film journalist Ruben Nollet will guide the conversation, a great opportunity to get to know the director and his sources of inspiration! Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances, Tim Mielants will not be physically present for the master talk. A recorded interview with Ruben Nollet will be shown, who will be there for a live introduction.
